Son's Of The Legion
Son's Of The Legion
Commander: Mark Rinker
Meetings every 3rd Wednesday of the month starting on September 19th @ 6:00 pm ending in May
The Sons of the American Legion is patriotic service organization formed on September 12–15, 1932. The S.A.L. is made up of male descendants of people who served the United States Armed Forces during times specified by the American Legion.
The Sons of the American Legion is patriotic service organization formed on September 12–15, 1932. The S.A.L. is made up of male descendants of people who served the United States Armed Forces during times specified by the American Legion.
Son's Of The American Legion Discounts and Perks
Use your Membership to start saving today on a variety of discounts and perks from car rentals and hotel rooms to retail and insurance. Not a member? Stop into the post and Paul Wood will be glad to help you, or you can click on the Membership tab to find out how you can become part of our Legion Family.
All Proceeds To Benefit The Programs Of The Post #1194 Sons of The American Legion. Thank You For Your Support.